I recieved this certificate for my participation in the Kevin Lamoureux talk given on March 15th, 2022. In particular I was struck by a mix of emotions in his speech. At times he seemed nearly seething with rage, at others- on the brink of tears. But the emotion which touched me the most was one that caught me by surprise. He was thankful, and in a way that sounded really sincere, that he got to participate in the movement for Truth and Reconcilliation. It was a kind of feeling that was expansive- and I felt it take root in me and expand. I was, and am, glad and proud to be part of a movement that will give us a chance to mend some of the wounds of our society.
A History of Education
The above poster explains the education voyage I have been on since I was a child. You can also see some cute photos of me. I really feel like I have lived several lives allready, but I keep becoming wiser and more helpful to others. A buddhist teacher once told me that teaching is a kindness. I will follow that advice and hope that I can be useful member of society, raising up the next generation correctly, so that they can see the truth is this world, and not be distracted by sparkling trinkets.