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The 94 calls to Action were presented to the parliment of Canada in December of 2015. It repesents a listing of suggestions found in the wake of the politically explosive Truth and Reconcilliation Commission. The Calls to action are meant to guide Canadian Citizens, Goverment Officials, and others who hold positions of power and responsibility, such as teachers. At least 12 of the 94 Calls directly address education in Canada.
While some of the Calls to Action may pull on our heartstrings, such as “The Jordan Principal” which asks that children not be left to die while Provincial and Federal authorities argue of who is responsible, the ones we should be most concerned with as educator are those adressing change that need to occur in education. Particularly these:

As future Elementary school teachers, Call 62 i is of particular interest:
Make age-appropriate curriculum on residential
schools, Treaties, and Aboriginal peoples’ historical
and contemporary contributions to Canada a
mandatory education requirement for Kindergarten
to Grade Twelve students
Although some Provinces, such as Manitoba and Quebec, have done little to nothing to implement these changes, British Columbia has by far the most progressive and extensive Indigenous inclusion in its curriculum.
I am happy to be part of this movement, this cultural shift that will hopefully help heal some of the wounds and close some of the gaps that have been so painful for certain members of our society.